Art Without Boundaries
Calendar Fundraiser
    Thank you for participating in the AWB Calendar Fundraiser!

    Suggested donation: $20.00 per calendar

    Your contribution is being used to provide services directly to clients: kids with autism and learning
    disabilities, elders with Alzheimer's and other related disorders and those who have suffered strokes
    or head injury in your area.

    We can do that because we are a "virtual organization", with no paid staff or office space. We don't
    do any fundraising to keep our doors open, because we don't have any doors!

    Only 1% of the net profits will be used for accounting purposes, the rest goes right back to
    help people in your community!

    If you want to learn more about our organization, at the top of the page are links to our website. Start
    with the "Home" link as a jumping off place. You can learn about the work we do and the people who
    have been helped by MnemeTherapy. Please tell others about us too!

    Pay with credit card, debit card or PayPal below
    Is PayPal safe to use?

    Third-party payment protects your financial information
    with industry-leading security and fraud prevention

    You may use a credit card and your financial
    information is not shared with the payee.

    Once your payment is complete, you will be emailed a
    receipt for this transaction.
First time user? Instructions below
First time user?

You may use any major credit card.

  1. When you click on the button above, you will be moved from this site to the PayPal secure
  2. It will list payee as The Art Without Boundaries Association
  3. If you are paying by credit card instead of PayPal, look for this near the bottom by the credit card
    logos:"Don't have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where
    available). Continue (click continue)
  4. You may list purpose as: Calendar or AWB Gift. If you know the name of the team member, or
    the name of the organization, please list that as well.
  5. To return to our website, use your "Back" Button or bookmark our site before you go.

The  Art Without Boundaries Association has tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code

TM 2005 Art Without Boundaries™ and MnemeTherapy™ are both trademarks with all rights reserved. You may not copy or reproduce anything from this website without written permission
from AWBF

Art Without Boundaries Association, Inc.
Home Office: (Toll free)  866-938-6546    
Contact Webmaster
The Art Without Boundaries Association
This little girl did this amazing
If you can't use the button for some reason, try clicking on this link or you
can send a check to AWBA 6150 N. Ironwood LN, Lantana, FL 33462