
Other Autism Websites and Resources  

Keeping Your Autistic Kids Safe: A Family Resource Guide

Guide to Improving Gastrointestinal Symptoms among Children with Autism Spectrum

Parent’s Guide to Toilet Training Children with Autism Spectrum

Help with Behavioral Issues & Learning Life Skills

Coping with Disabilities - National Caregivers Library

Brain Trauma and Equal Opportunity: What You Need to Know

Civil Rights and Disability Related-Resources

Disabled Traveler Information

Students with Disabilities: Preparing for Postsecondary Education

A Guide to Keeping Your Home for the Newly Disabled


Having personally recovered from Systemic Candida Albicans, I feel as if I was rescued from the frightening and confusing
world of the autistic experience. It was a long, hard road back from being nearly non-verbal, but it has fired a passion in
me that no one else should have to live there.

Just 50 years ago, autism was 1 in 10,000. I  believe there is a reason why it is now 1 in 50 children*. Autism and
Alzheimer's disease are the "canaries in the coal mine" of America's health. You don't have to wring your hands and feel
out of control. There
is something you can do about your child's  condition and your health, as well.
A Note from Noell Hammer, AWBA founder

For two years I've been compiling information into a course that is affordable and doable. It 's geared toward families. For those who need extra
encouragement can be taken with a Wellness Coach or the services of a board certified holistic professional who specializes in disorders of the gut. Click
here to visit AWBA's sister organization:

Wellness Workshop

There are other resources that I encourage you to explore:

Understanding the Inner Ecosystem & Unlocking the Mystery of Autism
Body Ecology website

Donna Gates is the foremost expert on autism and the inner ecosystem.

Must see:
An excellent video by Donna and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD Author, "Gut and Psychology Syndrome"

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

Sally Fallon is the founder of The Weston A. Price Foundation,  a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition
pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated non-industrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum
characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price's research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after
generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats.

Nourishing Traditions is more than a cook-book. It has a startling message-- animal fats and cholesterol are vital factors in the human diet, necessary for
reproduction and normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels. Includes
information on how to prepare grains, health benefits of bone broths and enzyme-rich lacto-fermented foods.   The "Diet Dictocrats"
don't want you to
know that...
  • Your body needs old-fashioned animal fats New-fangled polyunsaturated oils can be bad for you
  • Modern whole grain products can cause health problems
  • Traditional dishes promote digestion and assimilation
  • Modern food processing denatures our foods but Ancient preservation methods actually increase nutrients in fruits, nuts vegetables, meats and
    milk products!

    The Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet

The Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet has its foundation on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) created by Dr. Sidney Valentine Haas to heal
digestive disorders.  SCD gained great popularity after a mother, Elaine Gottschall, healed her own child and became an advocate for SCD.  Elaine
Gottschall is also the author of the popular book Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Intestinal Health Through Diet.

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has taken SCD and evolved it further to create a full protocol for healing digestive disorders and subsequent issues.
ASD Resources

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TM 2005 Art Without Boundaries™ and MnemeTherapy™ are both trademarks with all rights reserved. You may not copy or reproduce anything from this website without written permission from AWBA

Art Without Boundaries Association, Inc.   

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The Art Without Boundaries Association
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All proceeds benefit The Art Without Boundaries Association Scholarship fund